Our Services

We will inform you about the services we provide in this section of our page and the details of these services.

First of all, I would like to state that we only provide boat rental services. So I don’t have a group tour boat. I have only private boats.


Morning Program: 

1- Total 6 hours tour duration. 10:00-16:00 between

2- Swimming break in 3 different bays.

3- Lunch and fresh fruit included in the price.

What should you take with you for the morning program?

1- Suntan cream

2- Sunglasses

3- Water, drinks and snacks

4- Sea ​​towel


Sunset Program: 

1- Total 3 hours tour duration. 17:30-20:30 between

2- Swimming break in aquarium bay and sunset tour

3- Dinner included in the price.


Full day program: 

If you love the sea, this program is for you. Because we reserve the boat for you 7 days and 7 nights and every day passes on a separate island on the boat. In this program, guests pay extra for food and drinks, and the service is provided by the boat staff. We will depart from Bodrum and take you to the wonderful bays of Gökova Bay and return to Bodrum at the end of the tour. We can organize this program as 3 nights or 4 nights, so contact me.